Condoleezza Rice Husband: Is She Married?

Condoleezza Rice Husband

If you did not know her, Condoleezza Rice, otherwise, more famously known as Condi Rice is a former US Secretary of State. She is the first black woman to be a US secretary of state.

Condoleezza is a political scientist, spending most of her adult life in academia serving several roles including an assistant professor, a provost, chief academic officer, and finally a professor at Stanford University.

She was the 66th American secretary of state during the Bush presidency Before diving into the details of her husband and her relationship, let’s look briefly at her background to know her somewhat better.

A Short Intro About Her Family and Upbringing

Condoleezza Rice Family and Upbringing

Rice was born on November 14, 1954, in Birmingham, Alabama. She grew up in a loving and supportive family as a child of Angelena Rice and John Wesley Rice Jr. Both Condi’s parents were part of the academia which may have pushed her later affection towards academia.

Angelina was a high school teacher while John Wesley was a high school guidance counselor and a football coach. Condi’s Grandmother was Theresa Hardentt and her grandfather was Albert Robinson Ray III. Both Condi’s parents have brought up Condi as a respectable young woman who knows her worth. This motivated Condi to speak up against discrimination and racism all her life both in academia and in the government service.

Condi Rice’s Husband and Partners

Condi Rice’s Husband and Partners

Condi Rice has never been public about her relationship. Rice, to our knowledge, has never been married and there is no public information regarding her partners. Condi Rice also has not been reported to have any children at any point in her life.

But what is notable about her past life, is that the author of the book, Democracy: Stories from the Long Road to Freedom dated Rick Upchurch, an American football player briefly. Maybe because her father was a football coach? Who knows. But the relation did not last long. The pair was also engaged in the 1970s. But later they broke up and parted ways.

There have been no more reports of her having any other partners or marriage. So the now Stanford University professor of 68 years of age, is not married to anyone.

But there is some online chatter about this Time Magazine’s top 100 most influential figures. Some argue that in reality Condi Rice is actually married and has a daughter. But she does not disclose the details about her daughter online.

Some even argue that she is married to a person of Caucasian origin and does not disclose any information about her husband because people will think that she is chosen due to her relation to a white man.

But there really is no hard evidence about this University of Denver graduate’s marriage. Rather we can safely say that this Ph.D. holder from the University of Denver achieved all in her life because of her insane talent and academic prowess.

Is Condoleezza Rice Gay?

Is Condoleezza Rice Gay

With Condi Rice not having a husband, there are also rumors about her being homosexual. Many have gone on to say that Condi Rice is a lesbian and has been with a woman she calls a friend for the last couple of years.

Condi rice is rumored to have been in a relationship with Randy Bean, a documentary filmmaker. They share a line of credit and co-own a home. They are reported to have been friends for more than twenty-five years. Even when they travel together, they rent one bedroom. These have increased the rumors that Condi Rice is actually a lesbian.

But in reality, the current director of Hoover Institution at Stanford University is straight. She confirms as she stated that she does not directly support gay marriage.

Condi Rice does not directly support same-gender marriage. Although she says that same-gender couples should be engaged in a civil union rather than marrying. This shows her views on LGBT marriages and shows that she may not be a lesbian.

Net Worth of Condi

Condi rice was the first ever woman to be the national security advisor for the United States of America. Condi has been very successful in her academia and she has been rewarded as such.

She impressed Ronald Raegan’s Secretary of State and became an intern for him. She then went on to work for the Bush presidency as a national security advisor and later became a secretary of state for Bush in his second term of presidency. During her service she was the highest ranking women in the presidential line of succesiuon.

But all of this, pale infront of her academic life. Upon recieivng a graduation from University of Denver and completing a masters from Univeristy of Notre Dame in Political Science her love life was the academia.

Even though she started a career with the national security council in 1977, she went back to receive a fellowship in Stanford University. Although she briefly went back to politics serving as the secretary of state for Bush, she returned to Stanford to become an assistant professor.

For most of her life, she was first an academic and secondly a politician. And this shows in her net worth. According to CelebrityNetWorth, Condi Rice’s net worth stands at $14 million, one of the humbler numbers in contrast to others in her profession.

Ending Thoughts

There has been much talk about this incredibly talented woman who knows several languages learned ballet at the age of 3 and showed incredible academic prowess at every step she took. But Condi Rice has never publicly expressed her thoughts on her relationships.

Rather she has a close relationship with academia. This Ph.D. holder had returned to academia after Bush’s campaigns as a council of foreign relationships.

Condi although never was public about her love life and relationships, she is proven to be not married and not having a child.

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